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honeybird's drawings

especially of goofy monsters

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I woke up and felt so little...

I woke up and felt so little in a sea of so big. Something sweet is needed to bring my heart back to an average pump, to remove this "guilty of not doing enough" bitterness. Westerner, consumer, arrogant. Time to sleep, food to eat, money to spend -- sinner, capitalist, one of them.

The people of the world living in poverty, the people organizing and trying to improve their miserable daily realities of homicides (see Ciudad Juarez), disappearances (paramilitaries worldwide), and starving -- hard to imagine. Could someone innocent really be killed in our civilized world? Someone murdered and no investigation is carried out because those who would investigate are actually the ones who committed the crime. Human beings who can't "work it out" and come up with something creative to eat, not even borrowing from a friend or going to their mom's for dinner.

It must not be true.

The media teaches me that we are curing poverty. The United Nations are good and want to heal the world. There was some corruption there but now there are reforms so there won't be any more corruption. Certain wars began after the millennium clock struck 2000 however they are being taken care of and democracy will be everywhere soon, in each country of the world.

Disneyland's "it's a small world after all" is slowly becoming a reality. At least that's what the media tells me. The Rich help the helpless Poor. The Rich teach the Poor not to talk back. The Rich teach the Handicapped (non-cultured-people) that they will be happy if they share a worldwide dream for more money, more personal belongings, more power, and more peace. We've gone beyond trickle down economics and have arrived at “we'll all be rich if we bow to our governments and united nations.”

But something doesn't quite sound right.

I meet a young Bolivian girl in Italy who tells me "those indigenous don't know what's best for them. They are stupid without education and don't realize that their blockades are hurting us and them too. They just want to make a fuss, they don't have any vision or serious goals."

When sons and daughters are conditioned that any social majority movement is stupid, and they are the future ambassadors and heads of state, how do we climb out of this miserable rut?


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